
Getting started on Tinkercad

  1. Create an account on TinkerCad
    1. Go to - https://www.tinkercad.com/
    2. Click on ‘Join Now’ on top right corner
    3. Click on ‘Create a personal account’
    4. Complete the details on the further steps to setup your account
  2. The circuit simulation environment
    1. Click on ‘circuits’ option on the left hand side pane.
    2. Click on ‘create new circuit’
    3. On right hand side, there are a lot of hardwares which you can drag and bring to the workspace in the centre. Hardwares can be searched by using the search option. Discover what all hardwares are available.
    4. On right hand side on the top, click on ‘code’->click on ‘Blocks’ just below it-> From the drop down select ‘Text’. This is the place where you will write your code to run on arduino uno.
    5. There are several other options on the screen which are there for you to explore